Often people want to get started with online video marketing but are reluctant to be in their own videos. If you are an expert or authority, you will miss a lot of opportunity by staying behind the scenes.
As my friend media coach Ruth Sherman says, "Get Over It!"
If you want to be a recognized expert, you must show your face on at least some of your videos. I'd go a step further and say you should appear in most of your videos.
Here's why. Video makes an emotional connection. It is personal communication. Each viewer feels you are talking directly to them. Would you rather read about someone's knowledge and experience or hear them talk about it? Which one gives you a better sense of who they are – a print interview or a video interview?
You can build your reputation as an expert by creating an online platform with video that boosts your visibility and the know-like-trust factor with an audience.
When you talk to the camera or do a TV-style video interview talking to a host off camera, your audience feels engaged in the conversation. An expressive face and voice are your credibility builders. Making that personal connection is the real power of online video. With video, you get to show and tell!
Right now we're seeing a lot of quick draw and animated videos and I like them. They can be clever and fun and at least at first, novel attention-getters.
Tools for producing these videos include:
- VideoScribe (monthly subscription but the iPad app gives a lot of functionality for a very low one-time price)
- GoAnimate.com
(Note: another online animation tool called xtranormal.com is discontinuing its service July 31,2013)
Here's a little video I did awhile ago using only my web cam.
I shot this video because someone I connected with on LinkedIn sent a "nice to meet you" video link with her greeting delivered as a talking dolphin! It made a memorable first impression. But my follow-up simply had to be connecting with the real person on video – seeing is believing!
That's why I don't recommend using animations and drawings as your only videos online. Good content can sometimes trump the tools you use, but a steady diet of anything becomes predictable and easily ignored.
Instead, put your face out there! Engage with and educate your audience, do a regular video blog telling stories, sharing tips and tricks or host webinars. (Google Hangouts and Google Hangouts on Air are amazing free tools that will only get better with time.)
A mix of video styles works great to keep you and your message fresh and interesting, but be sure to develop a strategy to produce quality on-camera videos that let your audience connect with the real you. When viewers see and hear you, they'll feel closer to you and you'll have an easier time converting their interest to sales through video marketing.