Social Skills: Get Tweet-Smart

If you're stuck on what to tweet, here's help.  A Top 10 Topics List from the newsletter of Dr. Sarah David of Social Savvy Sarah (reprinted with permisson): TOP 10 Topics to Tweet on Twitter for Brand Visibility!  Twitter is an excellent platform to get your message out to the masses but it can be Read more about Social Skills: Get Tweet-Smart[…]

What’s Your Interest in Pinterest?

Red Pinterest logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) All this talk about Pinterest has me torn.  It's been around a few years but interest has heated up lately and I've heard both pros and cons.  Initially, my thought was, Oh, no.  Not another social networking platform to learn! I am focused on changes at Facebook and the Read more about What’s Your Interest in Pinterest?[…]

TV Interview Tip: Stay Positive

Social Media Expert Shama Kabani does an excellent job in this live TV interview on the value of Twitter. It's a journalist's job to question and this one challenges Shama at every turn. Shama keeps smilling, turns the negative questions into positive points and delivers a fun and informative segment.