TV Interview Tip: Stay Positive

Social Media Expert Shama Kabani does an excellent job in this live TV interview on the value of Twitter. It's a journalist's job to question and this one challenges Shama at every turn. Shama keeps smilling, turns the negative questions into positive points and delivers a fun and informative segment.

Manage Your Online Image

Who are you online?  Do you know what others are saying about you, your business, your brand? Is it an accurate picture? Shama Kabani is a renowned social media expert. In this TV interview she offers some great tips to clean up your online image. Here’s the interview replay on Shama.TV Here’s the links Read more about Manage Your Online Image[…]

3 Ways To Avoid Being A Media Dud

I generally like to take the positive approach, but sometimes "What Not To Do" is more effective.  If you don't want to squander your "moment" in a hard-won interview on TV or radio, here are three "Don'ts" to keep in mind.   1. Don't Ramble.  Decide the main message you want to deliver going in. Make sure what Read more about 3 Ways To Avoid Being A Media Dud[…]