5 Ways to Organize Your Video Story

Telling a story is a powerful way to communicate, whether it's through the written word, spoken word or in video.  Unfortunately it’s common for video newbies and non-professionals to go out and shoot willy-nilly and then fall in love with everything they shot. This makes it nearly impossible for them to pick the best bits Read more about 5 Ways to Organize Your Video Story[…]

Trust, but Verify Online Information

"Trust, but verify" was one of Ronald Reagan's favorite lines about dealing with the Soviets during the Cold War.  I think it is also a useful rule-of-thumb when you're doing online research, content creation or passing along and reacting to interesting tidbits you find on social media. Separate fact from opinion, check the facts, the Read more about Trust, but Verify Online Information[…]

Newsjacking, Miley and the VMAs

Last week we were treated to (or maybe endured) an endless news cycle about Miley Cyrus’ twerking performance at the MTV VMA’s. Now interviews and articles will extend the buzz into this week and beyond.   This is nothing new. It is  one of the ways pop culture publicity works. A celebrity makes news through outrageous Read more about Newsjacking, Miley and the VMAs[…]

Who Cares about Your Message?

One of the fundamental questions a journalist will ask when they are considering whether to do a story is: Who Cares? I am not trying to be flip or sarcastic. A producer, reporter or editor may say it to you or simply think it to themselves.  That's because when you’re producing for television, radio or Read more about Who Cares about Your Message?[…]