Social Skills: Get Tweet-Smart

If you're stuck on what to tweet, here's help.  A Top 10 Topics List from the newsletter of Dr. Sarah David of Social Savvy Sarah (reprinted with permisson): TOP 10 Topics to Tweet on Twitter for Brand Visibility!  Twitter is an excellent platform to get your message out to the masses but it can be Read more about Social Skills: Get Tweet-Smart[…]

Social Networking Made Easier?

The New York Times has an interesting article about a new web browser that includes social networking features to make it easier to stay connected. Here's the link – Web Browsing Takes a Social Turn Technology Web Browsing Takes a Social Turn By MIGUEL HELFT Published: November 7, 2010 A new browser from RockMelt integrates Read more about Social Networking Made Easier?[…]

Blogging for the Long Haul

                                                        I love writing this blog but there's no question, it's a commitment.  After nearly two years, my business is going in a different direction and I sometimes struggle to post regularly and keep my content fresh.  Still, I can't tell you how many times someone I've met online or at a networking event Read more about Blogging for the Long Haul[…]