Arts in Video

My friend and former colleague Bill Crumlic (CrumlicMedia) produces videos for artists and art galleries in New York City. He's written an article for the latest ARTisSpectrum magazine about how artists can best use video to promote their artwork.    It's written for his target audience – artists – but much of his advice is universal. Read more about Arts in Video[…]

Dan Pink on What Motivates You!

Here's an interesting video I found on YouTube about Motivation. It uses animation to illustrate a talk given by author Daniel Pink (promoting his latest book DRIVE, no doubt).  This could be a good idea for the authors and speakers among us, perhaps as part of a demo, since it essentially converts a speaking excerpt Read more about Dan Pink on What Motivates You![…]

Not Enough Information Interview Tip

I was listening to a radio interview recently in which the guest made a point by recounting a conversation she’s had with her teenage son.  She concluded by saying, “That was T-M-I.” The host’s next question was, “What do you mean by T-M-I?  That can mean a lot of things.” Now, the host may have Read more about Not Enough Information Interview Tip[…]