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Want to be Featured in the Wall Street Journal? Find out how as a WSJ Editor shares insider secrets. Watch this New Savor the Success Show Now!
I hope these 12 days have gotten your creative ideas flowing. As you can see, these pitch formulas can address broad international issues or specific personal topics. They can work beyond pitches as articles headlines, tag lines on book titles, radio and TV promo and tease copy, cover lines on magazines, etc. Formula for Day Read more about 12 Days of Pitches – Day 12[…]
Here's the next to last Pitch Formula to add to your collection. You can use these formulas as idea joggers in lots of ways. Review them anytime you're writing copy for a press release, a website, a blog post or article headline or an email subject line. Pitch Formula: "The ___ toughest questions your Read more about 12 Days of Pitches – Day 11[…]
Here's the formula for Day 10 of the 12 Days of Pitches: "What every ______ should know about _______"ExamplesWhat every small business owner should know about the new healthcare reform actWhat every parent should know about getting the H1N1 flu shot for their child. The examples are mine. The formulas are from Radio Publicity expert Read more about 12 Days of Pitches -Day 10[…]