End of Year Stories – Lists, Rankings and Countdowns

Santa Claus isn't the only one "making a list and checking it twice."   The media loves lists and end of the year lists, countdowns, year in review and other looking back stories can be good news hooks in December.  Tis the season for the Top 10, 7 Best, 6 Hottest, 5 Worst, 3 Funniest, 2 Read more about End of Year Stories – Lists, Rankings and Countdowns[…]

News You Can Use – December 2009

You can certainly pitch stories about hot last-minute gifts, holiday eating, or how to behave at the office party, but why not get everyone thinking about all the changes they plan to make in the New Year?   The message is you can be Healthier, Wealthier and Wiser in 2010 and here's how!  Think of all Read more about News You Can Use – December 2009[…]