Trust, but Verify Online Information

"Trust, but verify" was one of Ronald Reagan's favorite lines about dealing with the Soviets during the Cold War.  I think it is also a useful rule-of-thumb when you're doing online research, content creation or passing along and reacting to interesting tidbits you find on social media. Separate fact from opinion, check the facts, the Read more about Trust, but Verify Online Information[…]

7 Online Press Kit Must-Haves

Experts and Authors, do you have a press kit?  Is it available online?  Putting your vital details into an electronic media kit can save journalists, bloggers and you a lot of time and energy. You can DIY a kit or use a services like Online PressKit 24/7 Media people are busy working to meet deadlines Read more about 7 Online Press Kit Must-Haves[…]

Spotting Copycats on the Web

Have you ever worried that an article, a bit of outsourced web copy or a guest blog post may not be original? If so, Copyscape is a trusty tool to check for plagiarism.  You can also check whether someone is lifting your own writing and passing it off as their work online. You type in Read more about Spotting Copycats on the Web[…]

Social Media and Just the Facts, Ma’am

I believe in free speech as much as the next guy, maybe more. But sometimes the comments that pass for fact on social media sites make me a little crazy. Sure, the point of social media is to be social and it’s fun to comment back and forth as if we were smiling and laughing Read more about Social Media and Just the Facts, Ma’am[…]