Media Lists Made Easy

Every online marketer has heard the manta, "The money is in the list."   When it comes to getting publicity, it's a similar story.  The opportunity is in the list.  You want to create a quality up-to-date list of targeted media contacts to pitch your ideas to and since reporters, editors and producers move around Read more about Media Lists Made Easy[…]

Controlling the Media Message

I don't write about politics or political speech in this blog but this quote from Senate candidate Sharron Angle from several months ago got my attention: "We needed to have the press be our friend … We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way Read more about Controlling the Media Message[…]

Create Irresistable Email Subject Lines

I know I wrote about email subject lines recently, but I'm doing a project for a television company right now and cannot believe how many PR professionals seem to put no thought into them at all.  I'm deleting hundreds of pitches everyday without once peeking inside.  The subject lines give me no reason to look Read more about Create Irresistable Email Subject Lines[…]