Sorry. No Post Today

300px-LesCorsetsLeFuretParis18cutAConsistency is important when you blog and I've been posting regularly twice a week since the Spring, but today is different.  I am actually stealing time on my husband's computer to write this quick note.

This is like the modern version of "the dog ate my homework" but it's really true – my computer access is down, I am scrambling to get it fixed and I am temporarily cut off from the online World!  Oh My!

Here's what happened – earlier this week I tried to upgrade my home network myself.  I followed the instructions and everything went smoothly, lights blinking, modem signals flying ….BUT… all our wireless computers, even my beloved iPad, can now no longer find my network. Arggh!!

I have tried a bunch of things to correct this and will need some expert help to get it all sorted out.  

Hope to be back on the consistency track with this blog by next Tuesday.