Social Skills: Get Tweet-Smart

If you're stuck on what to tweet, here's help.  A Top 10 Topics List from the newsletter of Dr. Sarah David of Social Savvy Sarah (reprinted with permisson):

TOP 10 Topics to Tweet on Twitter for Brand Visibility

Twitter is an excellent platform to get your message out to the masses but it can be a mystery for those just getting started.  I know when I was initially introduced to Twitter, I was not sure what to tweet or how to tweet it so I did like most people, I had an account but with no followers or engagement.  Not to worry!  By adding in a few of my tips on topics you can tweet about you will flying high in no time! Here are 10 Topics to Tweet on Twitter for Brand Visibility to land that dream job or business client! 

In Closing…

Twitter may seem a little daunting at first but by implementing a few of the Top 10 Topics to Tweet you will be able to share your message, establish yourself as a thought-leader, gain followers and connect with other Tweeple in the Twitosphere to increase your Brand Visibility!  

So much to share…so little time so Get to Tweeting! 

Supporting You One "Savvy Step" at a Time!

Dr. Sarah David is the Founder of Social Savvy Sarah…A Personal Branding and Social Media Consultancy Providing Social Media Strategies to Build Your Brand and be Socially Savvy! She works with a World-Class Team to provide a "One-Stop Shop" "whether you are a "Do-it-Yourselfer" or need "Done for You" services for all of your social media needs so you can Build Your Brand and be Socially Savvy!   To learn more about how to use social media to build your brand and be socially savvy, sign up for her free exclusive personal branding and social media marketing updates 
