No Shame in Your Game: 5 Tips for Artful Self – Promotion

redhaired woman hides faceI work with a young woman whose on camera career is growing.  She is steadily getting more and more opportunities to showcase her talent, but if you looked at her social media presence, you'd never know it.

While she's conscientious about posting photos and comments to promote events she's involved in and compliment individuals she works with, she does not do much self promotion.

Many people are modest and unassuming.  They're uncomfortable tooting their own horn and do not want to brag.   But in creating your magnetic media expert platform online, it's important to learn to give yourself a shout-out now and then.  Extreme humility can hurt you and thwart your aspirations.


We've all seen examples of shameless, overbearing ME-ME-ME behavior in movie and TV comedies.  These self-centered characters are meant to be outrageous and make people laugh.  Nobody wants to be "that guy," right?

Still, who will tell your story better than you can?  By applying the art of self promotion, you can subtly call attention to your accomplishments without seeming crass or conceited.

ONE FORMULA for social posting is called "the humble brag" and goes like this: 

Emotion + (event, activity, achievement)

Some examples might be:

  • I'm thrilled to be…
  • I can't believe I am…
  • I am grateful to…
  • I am so fortunate to…
  • Wow, this is amazing. I am…
  • I am so proud to be a part of….
  • What a dream come true! I am actually…

When you express genuine gratitude about your good fortune, it is not boasting.  Sharing your personal feelings about something in your life is not bragging.  It's the kind of post the social media community eats up.

Now delivering the humble brag can be tricky. Don't force it. If you really intend to boast and are trying to hide it with a compliment or false modesty, people will spot your insincerity.  


Tell a little story about your experiences, especially a humorous or self-deprecating one.  Take people "back stage" in your world for a behind-the-scenes adventure only insiders see. 


Don't overdo it.  You don't want to crow about every little thing that happens constantly.  Strategically pick and choose what you mention to promote yourself and mix it in with other kinds of social medial content.  Plus keep it short! 


Okay, so you'd MUCH rather have other people talk you up. I get that. Third party endorsement is important for credibility building and has tremendous value. Prime the pump by making a deal with a few friends and associates to promote, like and share each others' successes. 

Just make sure everyone knows how to do it subtly and no one goes overboard, laying it on too thick or posting phoney praise.


The whole key to avoid being "that guy" is authenticity.  Be honest and do not inflate your position or achievements. Talk about the other people on the team as much or more than you talk about yourself. Never try to manipulate a situation just for visibility.

When I talk to this young woman, she is genuinely thrilled and amazed by the opportunities that are coming her way and in awe of some of the people she's meeting and the places her career is taking her.

If she adds social media comments expressing these feelings about her experiences, she'll enhance her personal brand and take supporters, fans and followers along for the ride, with no hint of a boast or brag.