You can certainly pitch stories about hot last-minute gifts, holiday eating, or how to behave at the office party, but why not get everyone thinking about all the changes they plan to make in the New Year?
The message is you can be Healthier, Wealthier and Wiser in 2010 and here's how! Think of all the stories you can wrap around the idea of become a New You in the New Year. We all know resolutions generally fall flat, but most people think of January as a new beginning full of possibilities.
You could develop story pitches with tips to help the audience keep the promises they make to:
- Quit Smoking
- Lose Weight
- Get Fit
- Break a bad habit
- Find a mate
- Find a job
- Go back to school
- Find a new career
- Save money
- Make more money
- Invest more wisely
- Use their time better
- Take more vacations
- Travel
- Get married
- Build or buy a house
- Move somewhere
- Have a baby
- Get divorced
- Retire
- and on and on…..
During the holidays, people are in the mood for aspirational, feel good stories. They want to look ahead and see better times. How can you package what you know to fit the bill?
Happy Pitching!