Host a Web TV Show

World-Business-Agreement- Media-TV Screens 400x235_clr_3266Several people have asked me recently to help them set up a Web TV show or newscast. I've hosted and produced many traditional television shows and newscasts so it's exciting and fun to apply that knowledge and experience to digital media presentations.

If you are an expert and/or author, hosting regular "web-isodes" on your  "show" channel or website is a great way to get noticed online and make a name for yourself. 

Some Examples:

Help My Business S*cks!

The Rise to the Top

Barefoot Executive TV

Shama TV

Just the way the title "author" boosts your credibility and expert status, your business FAME grows even more when you are the host of the (Catchy Title Here) show. 

Here are a few Web TV show pointers:

  • Start with the end in mind.  What's your strategy?  Why do you want to do a web TV show?  What will success look like to you?
  • Choose a topic you'll love talking about and exploring for the long haul.
  • Will it be live or recorded or both?  Google hangouts on air and other technology make it relatively easy to get "broadcasting" quickly.
  • What will the show's format be? Your show can be simply you talking to the camera or demonstrating something on your computer screen, you interviewing guest experts, a scripted story with actors, a web "reality" series, etc. Nearly every type of traditional TV show format can be done online as a Web TV show.
  • What length will your show be? Perhaps it's just a 1 – 2 minute newscast or tip of the week or you'll produce 15-30 minute expert interviews. Generally shorter is better.
  • Think bite-size chunks of content.  We live in a short attention span age. People surf, scan and sample online content so you want your show to be brisk and to the point.  Even if you do a loooong show of an hour or more, be sure to break it into short segments to hold viewer interest and keep it moving.
  • Pick a manageable work schedule. It's exciting when you're just getting started to envision producing and hosting a live daily show but putting out a good quality show takes work. How much time do you really have?  If you don't have a production staff, a daily show may be impractical. 

Better to start small, say once a week, once a month or even once a quarter and be consistent. Map out a production calendar of show topics. It can be efficient to shoot multiple shows in batches of time. Get them edited and 'in the can"  to dole out one by one, over weeks or months. Then set aside another block of time to shoot the next batch.

Once you build a following, poll your audience for feedback and add more frequent shows…if your audience wants more. 

There's plenty more to consider in creating and hosting a Web TV show.

There are technical decisions such as what video equipment and online hosting to use, content questions about where you'll find good guests and interesting things to talk about, the ways you'll distribute the show and attract an audience. Plus unless Web TV is your hobby. you'll want to figure out how to make money from your show by getting sponsors, selling your programs and products, etc. 

The good news is it is all do-able and much more affordable than going the traditional television show route.

See you in the Spotlight!
