Find a Midway Meeting Place More Easily

Meeting conference green table_of_the_world_8705I often meet friends, colleagues, mastermind partners, prospects and clients at area coffee shops and restaurants, and sometimes it is difficult to come up with a spot that is convenient for both of us. 

That's why I was excited to find a cool tool online to make arranging those meetings easier. It's called

It's not brand new but it's new to me. You plug in two addresses and it suggests a point of interest that is at the half-way point, so both parties can meet in the middle. You can specify coffee, pizza, hotel, etc. It will give you a list of places to choose from plus a map. I've tested it several times with good results.

I am usually big on meeting at places like Panera Bread and Starbucks, but in my part of Southeastern Pennsylvania, there isn't one on every corner the way they are in some parts of the country.  Plus at times, I may be meeting people driving from South Jersey or the Poconos or some far-off place in between.

Now we can pick a spot that's a fair distance for both parties much more easily. Such a simple time-saver I didn't know could be so handy until it appeared!

Love technology!  What cool tools do you use for meetings?