Do You YouTube or TV?

Do you YouTube or TV? YouTube has reached 6 BILLION views per month.  Wow.  In less than a decade, what many people looked at as strictly a platform for amateur video distribution is now recognized as online TELEVISION. It’s no longer a question of watching YouTube or TV.  It’s all television now.  According to, Read more about Do You YouTube or TV?[…]

Host a Web TV Show

Several people have asked me recently to help them set up a Web TV show or newscast. I've hosted and produced many traditional television shows and newscasts so it's exciting and fun to apply that knowledge and experience to digital media presentations. If you are an expert and/or author, hosting regular "web-isodes" on your  "show" Read more about Host a Web TV Show[…]

Web TV Marketing Tips

I've watched the Help My Business….Web TV show for years, but its creator and host Andrew Lock hasn't produced any new shows for awhile.  He's back with a new episode now.  To me, his shows are an entertaining, fun resource full of useful marketing advice and of course, his Web TV show is a great  Read more about Web TV Marketing Tips[…]