Are You Afraid to Reveal Your Prices?

magnified_money_400_clr_8746This isn't about media, but it is about clear communication. People are often embarassed to talk about what they charge, but it's a necessary key to success.

You want to be able to  stand and deliver with confidence when discussing your prices and the value you provide in the same way you learn to step into the media spotlight and own your expertise.

A friend was lamenting the other day how much time she's spent meeting with potential customers who weren’t a good fit for what she offers. Even though her professional  video and social media services produce great results, many “potentials” would disappear as soon as they heard the price.

She was debating whether to put some type of price indicators on her website so no one wastes their time. I am sure there are pros and cons to revealing prices early in the sales attraction process, but to me, including a statement somewhere on the website to the effect that “packages start at $2500” would give visitors useful information. 

For my custom video packages, I send a link to a Project Planner questionnaire created with It asks leads to tell me about their vision, their wants AND their budget range.

It is a "no obligation" planner, but shows my minimum package price. Sure, I've sent links and heard nothing back. I figure we just weren't meant to do business together and move on.

Here’s a  2012 article from Small Business Coach Karyn Greenstreet about displaying your prices.

Creating a price chart is another option. A number of wordpress plugins are available, both free and paid, that allow you to set up a good-looking pricing table on your website.

You could put your pricing on public display, create a downloadable handout or send a private link to the page. Naturally, some tables and plugins will be more complicated to set up than others.

This article from ShowMeWP discusses the above plugin and 3 others:

Your thoughts?  Leave a comment about how and when you spell out prices.