For the next 12 days I'm going to post tried and true
Pitch Formulas to help you craft a great hook for radio and TV
The formulas are from Radio Publicity expert Alex Carroll,
courtesy of Steve Harrison, the publisher of the Radio and Television Interview
Report who just launched the free service (DISCLOSURE: I am not an affiliate of either of them
and receive no benefit of any kind if you choose to work with them.) The
examples are mine.
Here goes –
"_____ things you don't know about
that could ____________."
5 things you don't know about paying income tax
that could save you money.
3 things you don't know about eating at your
favorite restaurant that could make you sick.
can come up with any numbers of steps but the easiest to cover in an interview
format are generally 3,5,7 or 10 steps.)
formulas will probably look familiar to you. They are used all the time
in many different ways in print, on-air and online. They're the kind of thing a radio or TV host says when they're going into a
commercial break and want you to stay around for the rest of the show.
Use the formulas as a guide. They are just suggestions to play with as you shape a pitch that fits your expertise. It's fun to think up creative ways to fill in the blanks; I'm sure you'll come up with plenty of variations of your own.